Submit Your Abstract for Ecology Across Borders
Abstract submission has now opened for Ecology Across Borders the Joint Annual Meeting of the British Ecological Society [BES] and the French Society of Ecology and Evolution [SFE2] which will take place 12-15 December 2021 in Liverpool and online around the world. Researchers involved in ecology and the natural sciences are invited to submit a proposal for abstracts. There is an online poster option. You can submit a proposal for an in-person poster session, in-person oral session or an online poster session at Please note the short deadline of 23 September 17:00 and the fact that you can submit a proposal for a poster session and not travel to Liverpool. This option has been developed to help create an inclusive meeting for ecologists across the world.
Ecology Across Borders Delegate Registration
To take into account the needs of ecologists who do not want to attend a conference due to concerns about Covid or do not wish to travel to Liverpool, BES is also providing an online delegate option. This will allow ecologists from anywhere in the world to take part. You find out more or book up to 6 tickets with a bank card in one transaction.
If you wish to attend in-person and travel to Liverpool you can buy tickets at
The deadline for the heavily discounted Earlybird registration is 17:00 Monday 25 October.
BES members get a substantial discount on the price of registration.